I found [this post][1] on how to do the above but it doesn't appear to work?

Here is the error message

Nov 25, 2020, 3:52:51 PM	Error	GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to gmail.users.threads.delete failed with error: Delegation denied for [email protected]
    at [unknown function](Code:29:33)
    at removeMyTest2(Code:23:28)

> Go to https://script.google.com
> Then create a new project and paste the below into it:
> ``` 
> function removeMyTest2() {
> var mymail = "[email protected]";
> var mylabel = "trash";
> var permanentlyRemoveMyLabel = true;
> var pageToken;
> do {
>     var threadList = Gmail.Users.Threads.list('me', {
>     q: 'in:' + mylabel,
>     pageToken: pageToken
>     });
>     if (threadList.threads && threadList.threads.length > 0) {
>         threadList.threads.forEach(function(thread) {
>         Logger.log('id: %s snippet: %s', thread.id, thread.snippet);
>         if (permanentlyRemoveMyLabel) {
>             Gmail.Users.Threads.remove(mymail, thread.id);
>             Logger.log('id: %s snippet: %s REMOVED', thread.id, thread.snippet);
>         }
>     });
>    }
>    pageToken = threadList.nextPageToken;
>    } while (pageToken);
> }
> ``` 
> If you try and run the script as is it will error out.
> Next you click on Resources and go to Advanced Google Services.
> Scroll down to Gmail API and turn that on.
> Next click Google Cloud Platform Link on that same window that came up
> where you enabled the Gmail API.
> Then click on the Enable services and API and search for Gmail. Click
> on Gmail and then enable it.
> Then go back to your script screen and click on the menu Edit and go
> to Current project's triggers.
> Set a trigger to run the script either every minute/hour or whatever
> time interval that you want the script to run and empty your trash.
> Keep in mind you can delete from IN:TRASH IN:SPAM or whatever other
> label you want. It won't delete reminders and the deletion is final.
> You can't recover any of the emails.

  [1]: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/120866