I am writing a long Google Doc, which will never be printed, and therefore have absolutely no use for the ancient concept of 'pages'. 

I therefore want to remove this distracting overhead from the doc, so that it is exactly like 1 long, long page. 

This is what the end of one page and start of another currently looks like (hint: it doesn't look problematic at all):

[![enter image description here][1]][1] 

But now consider the unnecessary confusion caused when tables are used. 

Here is a minimal example, without many other aspects of complexity (e.g. multiple columns, images). Here's what happens when you simply use tables in the google doc with pages: 

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

The second line in the third cell looks like the fourth cell. This can be extremely problematic in many different ways. In this small example it doesn't matter, but it *can* matter (a lot) in other documents, and it can cause unwanted ambiguity, confusion, and inaccuracy. 

### What I'm after

I simply want one very long google doc, without any concept of "pages", if this is possible it would make my doc more coherent and *far* more easily read. 

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/milwY.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/nbenl.png