I mean something like that (http://www.google.com/reader/i): ![enter image description here][1] What I've tried: - Feedly - no mobile version - NewsBlur - paid for more than 12 feeds (I have more) - Netvibes - mobile version not usable in Opera Mobile on Android (wap version isn't counted) - Pulse - don't know even how to import rss from Google Reader there o_O Finally managed to import, but this doesn't look like to be a reader for something more serious than 9gag because of "tiles" view - TinyRss - own hosting needed - Fever - paid, own hosting needed (?) - Bloglines = Netvies - Feedshow - no mobile web version - NewsAlloy - no ability to import feeds from Google Reader? - Daily Rotation - something strange... - My Yahoo - no import from Google Reader - Bazqux - paid, no mobile web version - Feederator - no import from Google Reader - Goodnoows - no mobile web version - PublicRSS - no mobile web version - FeedBooster - not managed to login from mobile device o_O - 1kpl.us - no mobile web version - ContentGems - paid, no mobile web version - Alesti - no mobile web version to be continued ... [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/0qd5g.jpg