Here is a copy of the document I'm working on:

I'd like the drop down menu (in purple--D3-L3) to modify a range of cells depending on the selection.  Here is a chart of my ideal results (data validation selection is in bold followed by intended results):

**2hr Delay**	clear cell values and grey out-- rows 4-18--no data collected.

**Absent**	clear cell values and grey out-- rows 4-18--no data collected.

**Activity**	auto populate green cells (rows 4-8) with 2 preserving the "sum" function.

**Appointment**	clear cell values and grey out-- rows 4-18--no data collected
Counseling Room	autopopulate green cells (rows 4-8) with 0 preserving the "sum" function.

**Early Dismissal**	clear cell values and grey out-- rows 4-18--no data collected.

**Field Trip**	auto populate green cells (rows 4-8) with 2 preserving the "sum" function.

**Equine Asst. Learning**	auto populate green cells (rows 4-8) with 2 preserving the "sum" function.

**In Class**	auto populate green cells (rows 4-8) to blank preserving the "sum" function.

**In-School Intervention**	autopopulate green cells (rows 4-8) with 1 preserving the "sum" function.

**Meeting**	auto populate green cells (rows 4-8) with 2 preserving the "sum" function.

**Therapy**	auto populate green cells (rows 4-8) with 2 preserving the "sum" function.

I've gotten this far on my own.  At best I could get it to grey out the cells, but it would also clear the formatting.  If a drop down selection was reverted back to a different selection, the formatting did not return.  

    function onEdit(e) {
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
      var s=ss.getActiveSheet()
      var nota=e.range.getA1Notation()
      var stat=e.range.getValue()
        if(stat=="2hr Delay", 'Absent', 'Appointment', 'Early Dismissal'){
            var cell = s.getRange("D4:D18");