I found *new* Google Maps slow, useless (routes with only two points) and wrong. Is there any way, I can turn it off completely and go back to favored *old* Google Maps? Or is this — as with everything in Google — one way trip?

I found [Google Help](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/3031966?hl=en&p=newmaps_no3d) text on this matter, but it seems useless. I have the feeling, that it discuss something completely different. It says about `lite indicator` in bottom-right corner. I don't have something like that. And provided links, that should switch new Google Maps engine between WebGL and canvas-based, simply doesn't work. All of them opens new window with annoying advertisment about new maps.

I even tried pasing part of URL, they're talking about (`force=canvas`) into any URL that my new Google Maps uses. Of course without any luck.

So... is there *any way*, I can get rid of *new Google Maps*, once and permanently?