Conditional formatting, even when applied to the whole row/column, treats each cell individually and applies formatting only to the cells that meet criteria. **Example:** An attempt to highlight whole row `7` if any of the cells is not blank: [![enter image description here][1]][1] Result: As mentioned above, highlights only specific cells, not the whole row. If only there was a *range-aware* version of the `isblank()` function, that would operate on a range of cells instead of treating each cell individually. Like so: `=not(isblank(row(A7:7)))` - This works not as desired, i.e. it evaluates `row(A7:7)` as an integer literal `"7"`, and, since `"7"` is not blank, the whole expression evaluates to `TRUE`, regardless of the contents of the cells. Is it possible to achieve this *range-aware* formatting on formula level, i.e. without a custom script? *(Yeah, yeah, I'm aware that the custom script for that is not that time-consuming to write, but more people might be facing the same problem, so a more user-friendly solution is welcome.)* [1]: