WARNING: Questions about Windows Applications are off-topic on Web Applications Stack Exchange, but might be on-topic on Super User Stack Exchange. This tag should not be used merely to identify your OS if that is not relevant to the question. **Tag Usage Examples:** - **USE** Tag for this question:<br> >*What are Windows-specific keyboard shortcuts in the Netflix Web App?* - **DON'T USE** Tag for this question:<br> >*How do I create a filter in the Gmail Web App?* ![Microsoft Windows][1] Microsoft Windows is the most widely used family of operating systems in the world. The most recent client version, [Windows 7][2], was released in mid-2009. Both standard Windows and Server versions are based on the same core code base. In addition, a mobile version of Windows is available for smartphones and other hand-held devices. The most recent version is [Windows Phone 7][4], released in fall 2010. This tag covers problems and questions which run across various Windows operating systems, but which may not be specific to a particular version. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/BKBkx.png [2]: https://superuser.com/tags/windows-7/info [3]: https://superuser.com/tags/windows-server-2008-r2/info [4]: https://superuser.com/tags/windows-phone-7/info