#The Situation# I've subscribed to some newsletters. To keep my inbox as empty as possible, I open the browser version (these newsletters mostly provide a link to a browser version) in a new tab and save it to my Pocket queue. I want to automate this process. I don't want to open these emails everytime and add the links to my queue manually. Is there a way to save these mails from the gmail web interface to Pocket? ##Newsletters to add:## * Web Design Weekly * Responsive Design Weekly * CSS Weekly * Sidebar.io ##1. Pocket: direct integration into Email services## * not possible. * Pocket guys say, there is no way to integrate Pocket into email clients like in some RSS clients. ([Source](http://help.getpocket.com/customer/portal/questions/474490-any-way-to-send-full-email-to-pocket-)) ##2. IFTTT: If "New email labeled" then "Save to Pocket"## * if this > Gmail channel > new email labeled *Newsletter* * then that > Pocket channel > Save *Body Plain* to Pocket ##3. IFTTT: If "New email labeled" then "Send an email"## * if this > Gmail channel > new email labeled *Newsletter* * then that > Email channel > Send *Body Plain* as email to `[email protected]` Pocket will add the first link from the email it finds – does it ignore images inside `<img src="" />`? ##4. IFTTT: If "New feed item" then "Save to Pocket"## * if this > Feed channel > new feed item from *specified feed url* * then that > Pocket channel > Save *Entry URL* to Pocket Although I would need to create a receipe for every newsletter I subscribed via RSS.