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How to hide Facebook register/login message?

You can delete the tag that create this frame by Inspect Element. Press F12 or click on the right button of your mouse and select Inspect Element. Click on the left top icon: Select the frame to ...
Gildásio Júnior's user avatar
3 votes

How do you make a Roman numeral numbered list in Gmail?

There isn't such option nor keyboard shortcut in Gmail, but you could do it manually if you install this extension for Gmail: create a usual numbered list ...
user0's user avatar
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Fix Imgur desktop vertical sizing

Note that you can right-click on the video itself, and then select Full Screen from the context menu. This will show the whole video and works on most browsers, and many websites. But a userstyle ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
2 votes

Downloading Google activity browser history only downloads the last 8 days, how do I get more than that?

I had this same issue, and it turned out that the browser history is simply split into multiple files. From what I can tell, there are three places to look within the folder downloaded from takeout: ...
maddyk's user avatar
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1 vote

How do web ad's collect revenue? By page rendering or by clicking?

For many websites, ad revenue is the biggest source of revenue. And if it's not it is usually because they have a source of revenue through affiliate income, info-product income, or they're just ...
Monk's user avatar
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Downloading Google activity browser history only downloads the last 8 days, how do I get more than that?

If you use Google Takeout to export your location history, you'll get a zip file that contains all of your location history in JSON format: . I have location history going back to 2012: EDIT: This ...
Ian Hyzy's user avatar
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How to hide Facebook register/login message?

At least in July 2018, this solution still works: Adding the text @-moz-document domain({div[class="_5hn6"]{display:none!important;}} to userContent.css See also
Arno Teigseth's user avatar
1 vote

Hold position relative to content in a rapidly changing Google Docs document with many editors

This is a huge problem for me, not because it bothers me, but because it bothers others who I collaborate with on meeting agendas and the like. They want to lock down our documents, or use static ...
jerclarke's user avatar
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