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21 votes

Strange "DuckDuckGo dork" takes me to random website

This is a "feature" called "!Bang"... as documented here: here and here. There is nothing special about this string (try cutting it down), aside from the very first \. Specifically giving a ! or \ at ...
Attie's user avatar
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15 votes

Permanently exclude / blacklist site from search results on DuckDuckGo

ublacklist is an extension which lets you remove sites from search results. Note that by default it works with Google, but you can enable DuckDuckGo and other search engines in the options.
Aleksandr Dubinsky's user avatar
8 votes

What is the difference between and

The redirect from the regular start page states: Clear your cookies often? Try our homepage that never shows these messages: ...this implies that the regular homepage sets a ...
Nick's user avatar
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6 votes

Permanently exclude / blacklist site from search results on DuckDuckGo

With a standard URL rewrite/redirect pattern, you could use a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/generic userscript like: // ==UserScript== // @name DuckDuckGo, Always add certain search parameters // @...
Brock Adams's user avatar
5 votes

Comprehensive list of all available !bangs on

There is an undocumented JavaScript file that contains all Bangs with their categories and URLs: (updated September 25, 2023) My best guess as to what the object ...
bzeaman's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I get the list of all DuckDuckGo Bangs with categories and history?

There is an undocumented JavaScript file that contains all Bangs with their categories and sub categories: My best guess as to what the object keys hold: c: Main ...
bzeaman's user avatar
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3 votes

Access DuckDuckGo without HTTPS?

The "DuckDuckGo Settings" are available over HTTP (without SSL/TLS) at: any other page of DuckDuckGo with kh=-1 parameter. And on a "Privacy" tab of the ...
Wirek's user avatar
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2 votes

DuckDuckGo and search date ranges

It is not the case: I can totally use "Custom date range", and it is out there in a totally obvious way. Maybe you are using Tor Browser and this changes the website behaviour?
BsAxUbx5KoQDEpCAqSffwGy554PSah's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a way (i.e. URL parameter) to force duckduckgo to only show results with ALL SEARCH TERMS

Actually, that's the only proper way how to search for multiple exact "phrases" since: "require all search terms" will return you match for the whole phrase, eg. having: "require" "all" "search" "...
user0's user avatar
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2 votes

What’s the difference between * and

What’s the difference between * and On the SSL certificate it shows the two at the bottom As you surmised in your question, the asterisk * is a wildcard placeholder for ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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1 vote

Do DuckDuckGo 'Lite' and 'HTML' search use query strings?

a functional query string for each: %s refers to the search term, a placeholder.
user598527's user avatar
1 vote

A "general" DuckDuckGo news page similar to the Google News one?

DDG is a search engine, not a news aggregator service. DDG does not have something like this. Souce: stormtm @ Does DuckDuckGo have a news aggregator like Google News?. /r/duckduckgo (Reddit)
BsAxUbx5KoQDEpCAqSffwGy554PSah's user avatar
1 vote

A "general" DuckDuckGo news page similar to the Google News one?

No, DuckDuckGo does not have a news page like Google does. Your shortcut is probably the best way to quickly generate one. You could email DDG to suggest adding a news page: [email protected].
freginold's user avatar
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1 vote

Make DuckDuckGo look exactly like Google

I've found a solution for issue (4) and (5). Disable result highlight on hover. (Solved) Send search terms to google, useful when you realise DDG is giving subpar results. (Solved - press "g&...
tinker's user avatar
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1 vote

How to persist DuckDuckGo settings in Firefox without a permanent cookie?

You can set a custom search engine in most (all?) modern browsers. Simply take the URL with embedded setting codes and append &q=%s to the end of the URL, and use this as your default search ...
Anonymous's user avatar
1 vote

Load more image/video hits on duckduckgo

When you search through Images automatically shows more results when you scroll down: If more results are not loading automatically, there might be a button Show More for laoding more results for ...
Pandya's user avatar
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