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7 votes

Export Google Drive Including Shared Folders

I would try the following: Create a new folder in your Google Drive to move all your shared items into. Go to "Shared with Me" and add all the shared items from there to the new folder in your drive....
Christopher Su's user avatar
7 votes

May I use Dropbox as hosting for website's static files?

As of May 2017, the Public folder has been converted to a standard, private folder (this conversion happened for Dropbox Basic users on March 15, 2017). The in-browser rendering of HTML files has ...
Christopher Su's user avatar
6 votes

What's an efficient way to delete shared Google Drive files?

You should use the Upload new version feature rather than deleting/unsharing and sharing again. (You can delete earlier versions later.) Steps On your computer, go to Right click ...
törzsmókus's user avatar
6 votes

How can I recursively remove sharing for a user in Google Drive?

No it is not possible. Google does not have the tools for and refer to 3rd party scripts. They confirmed to me that they do not offer this much needed admin functionality to better manage permissions. ...
JTF's user avatar
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5 votes

Cannot share folders on G Suite Google Drive

As the screenshot shows a background we could say that the folders are included in a "Shared Drive" (formerly "Team Drive"), also the link include in the question refers to a learning article about ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
4 votes

What's the best way to take ownership of a personal non-GSuite Google Drive folder?

The assistant should change the owner to you before they leave. Otherwise, you're stuck with the process you've found. Obviously, in G Suite the administrator would be able to take care of all of ...
ale's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I hotlink an mp3 in Google Drive with a URL ending in .mp3?

This example works: <audio controls=""> <source src=";id=1uZd99P8_xWM3fYsoSl4xHa8md2MWHa68" type="audio/mp3"></source> Your ...
Jasbir's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

Can other Gmail users access my Google Drive files?

No. Only your account has access to those files. You have to explicitly share files for other people to see them.
ale's user avatar
  • 52.9k
2 votes

Sharing Google Drive file using groups

Yes, if you add a new member to a group used to share files in Google Drive, the new member will be able to access the files shared with the group previously. From Use groups to share content If ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
2 votes

Allow someone else to delete my Google Photos

As @BlindSpots commented: Not without giving her access to your actual Google account. There may be some very convoluted way of using the Google Photos API and re-uploading the photos to a new album ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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1 vote

Allow someone else to delete my Google Photos

I have a workaround for you (require extra steps, not the most convenient): Create shared album, and tell her to not remove anything from it, and instead add some text comment to every photos she want ...
Avraham's user avatar
  • 26
1 vote

How to make only one or a few cells publicly editable in Google Sheets?

According to Rubén's comment, there is no way to do this. Google Sheets files can only be completely uneditable or they allow creating new sheets. This in my opinion a bug or just an oversight and I'...
Fabian Röling's user avatar
1 vote

When I move a file into an inner folder of a shared folder, does anyone lose access?

By default sharing a folder in Google Drive (in your case "Big Folder") - any file or folder inside it (in your case "Small Folder") is shared with the same people. Therefore, if you have not changed ...
SIM's user avatar
  • 318
1 vote

Can I share a document with 'anyone can view/edit' permissions but add a password separately?

That is not a feature included in Google Docs nor Google Drive. If the file was saved using a third-party app (non-Google) and then uploaded to Google Drive, depending on that app, it may support the ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

How can I hotlink an mp3 in Google Drive with a URL ending in .mp3?

spent an entire day on this problem. like others say it worked few minutes then it got blocked. I used Github. basically, you can ...
Johan Suh's user avatar
1 vote

Adding pictures to a shared Dropbox folder

Be sure to sign into Dropbox/register with the email address that the folder was shared with. After registering and signing in, you should be able to click the "Files" shortcut from the left sidebar. ...
Anson W Han's user avatar
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1 vote

Share Google Drive files via Facebook

After days of tinkering, I found out the details of the issue and solutions to it. Issue: You open a shared link from google drive that was sent to you in a facebook messenger chat group or the like. ...
Ecchs Kshurenada's user avatar

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