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11 votes

Transfer ownership of Google Analytics accounts?

As of June 2017 transferring ownership of Google Analytics accounts is accomplished by adding a new user with administrative permissions, then deleting the previous user. To add a new user with ...
shawncampbell's user avatar
9 votes

Changing primary domain in G suite and access to other Google services

Since I'm doing this, I'll provide an answer to help others. I'll update as I go through the process. Before you start To be safe, I added my personal gmail as a full admin user to every service I ...
minou's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is Google Tag Manager click event received twice in Google Analytics 4?

I had exactly the same issue with custom event and finally find the solution. Do not create the same event in GA4 My mistake was due to misunderstanding with event creation in GA4 (and many bad ...
Matthieu Le Berre's user avatar
5 votes

Why is Google Tag Manager click event received twice in Google Analytics 4?

EDIT: I finally have the solution! If you created the event within GA4 and then sent it over via GTM then it gets sent as an event twice, you only have to do it in GTM, not also create it in GA4. So ...
Sophie Nicole Casey's user avatar
4 votes

Delete old events in Google Analytics

To Delete a view It's Important to keep in mind: A view is permanently deleted 35 days after being moved to the Trash Can. Once deleted, the view is gone, and we are not be able to retrieve any ...
sguzmanr's user avatar
2 votes

How to find 'utm_content' of a campaign?

The easiest way to see it is in Acquisitions > All Traffic > Source / Medium. As all your mediums are the same, you will need to add a secondary dimension and choose Advertising > Ad Content which ...
Hink's user avatar
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2 votes

Merge Google Accounts

There are three different ways to change AdWords sign in information. Change the email address on your account Add alternate email addresses to your account Allow another email address to access your ...
user3554664's user avatar
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2 votes

Vast discrepancy in distribution when I add segments to Google Analytics data

This looks a lot like it may be data sampling. Do you see a yellow shield at the top of the report when the segment is applied? If so, the data is probably sampled. You can click the shield to see the ...
CVM's user avatar
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1 vote

How to show Page Location in GA4 reports?

Is it possible to customize the GA4 to show the page locations in the reports? Yes it is possible. Its a bit easier now. This can be achieved OOTB on the Events page that is displayed inside of the ...
klewis's user avatar
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1 vote

Tabular Google Analytics data in a Google Sheet

You can try a script calling the API. But the easiest way in my opinion is to install the Google Analytics Add-on link here Overview Access all of your Google Analytics data in Google ...
pjmg's user avatar
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URL recording after the URI in google Analytics All Data view?

You have probably set "" within your View settings, as Default page. This gets appended to all pages, that end with / Try to clear this field. Please note, that this will not fix ...
kgrg's user avatar
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1 vote

Data is not populated when website add in Google Analytics account

Google analytics wont collect data from a website unless you add the tracking code for the GA property that you created. Simply creating an account and property in GA for a site will not automatically ...
Bronwyn V's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I create a custom ratio based on two fields in Google Data Studio?

Rather than "sessions with a particular event", use total events / all sessions, and then create a filter to restrict it to the particular event you are interested in.
Bronwyn V's user avatar
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How to identify the source of a Google Service Account

There is really no way for you to track down who owns this service account. The only way you can see it would be to login to the Google account that has access. The best thing you can do would be ...
DaImTo's user avatar
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For Google Analytics, Is there any way to see all my web property's data in a single table?

The only way that i could think of that you could do this would be to use the Google analytics api. It would allow you to request the data you need for all of the views you have access to. The ...
DaImTo's user avatar
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Why Google Analytics include my click after I installed it by Google Tag Manager?

There are a variety of methods that you can use to prevent google analytics tracking your own activity on your site: Apply an exclude filter to exclude activity from your IP address https://support....
Bronwyn V's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Analytics Exclude URI filtering

Your regular expression looks fine. That screenshot, however, looks like it is from your real-time reports. Real-time reports do not always respect filters, especially if those filters were recently ...
vinoaj's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Sheet Run Google Analytics Report from button?

Short answer Yes, the menu triggers a JavaScript function but it's no exposed to the users so they can't call it from a button. Explanation AFAIK the only way to interact with an add-on is through the ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

What can be done to stop Google Analytics self-referrals?

Quantum's user avatar
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Advanced filtering in Google Analytics using OR statements

One of the simplest to understand concepts in RegEx is the pipe. It looks like this: | It’s essentially the word “or” and lets you tell Google Analytics that you want results matching this or that. ...
user132911's user avatar
1 vote

How does Google Analytics calculate Absolute Unique Visitors?

According to Webopedia: In Web analytics, including Google Analytics, absolute unique visitor is a "visitor type" report that will count each visitor to your website only once during the date range ...
pnuts's user avatar
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