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Finding text with strikethrough and delete its entire row

Use Array.some(), like this: function deleteRowsWithStrikeThroughInAnyCell() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); let numRowsDeleted = 0; ss.getActiveSheet().getDataRange().getFontLines()....
doubleunary's user avatar
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Script that reads rows and columns in a sheet and returns strings with frequency of occurrence

A Script is Unnecessary You are seeking a script but you can use Sheets native functions to achieve your goal with much less effort and complexity. Formula =QUERY( TOCOL( BYROW(TOCOL(A1:A,1), ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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How can I automatically select and download rows as CSV based on checkbox states and then modify checkbox states after download?

This script saves a copy of the CSV in the drive folder of your choice and logs the download link and the parent folder link. It uses Google's API to convert to CSV instead of doing it from the sheet ...
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3D Formula Google Sheets - sum across sheets

function sum3D(ref, idx){ const sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets(); let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) { if (i >= idx) { let n = sheets[...
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Why does my script return a TypeError when comparing getA1Notation to a string?

There is a syntax error in activeSheet.getRange.getA1Notation(). When using getRange as a way to get a range from the sheet assigned to a variable like activeSheet, choose one of the forms of this ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar

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