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How can I get VLOOKUP to return a response that is in one of two adjacent columns?

BYROW You can use VLOOKUP to return a two-column array then use JOIN in BYROW to combine them into one. ={"Project Team Owner"; BYROW( INDEX( IFNA( VLOOKUP(A2:A, 'Form ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Is it possible to add Dynamic subtotal in a google sheet without app script?

You are making this complicated by mixing counts and data (serial numbers) in the same column. Presumably there could be additional months for an assignee and it isn't clear if that would be an ...
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Which division is correct? Google Sheets or Calculator?

Everything is "correct" insofar as neither the calculator nor Sheets is making a mistake. Also, both sheets and the calculator can return either result if you ask them. You are performing ...
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Which division is correct? Google Sheets or Calculator?

Google Sheets calculates =218 / 294 to 0.741496598639456 which is quite precisely the same result as the calculator screenshot shows. So the explanation for the different result that is shown in the ...
doubleunary's user avatar
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Finding text with strikethrough and delete its entire row

Use Array.some(), like this: function deleteRowsWithStrikeThroughInAnyCell() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); let numRowsDeleted = 0; ss.getActiveSheet().getDataRange().getFontLines()....
doubleunary's user avatar
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Conditionally format specific values within comma-separated values

Not without using a script-based solution, however, there may not be the need. Best practices encourage us to avoid doing anything to raw form response data but instead use other sheets to manipulate ...
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Looking for help on formula while pulling data from a different GSheet using Index & Match?

IMPORTRANGE is a pretty expensive, so you should probably just make this query in the source spreadsheet. But if that is not possible, then here is my proposed solution: =LET(salesman, "AAA",...
David Tan's user avatar
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How to extract multiple email addresses in a Google doc?

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Insert sequence number and embed it to my data

I would use the MAP function instead of QUERY. =MAP(TOCOL(UNIQUE(A:A),1), LAMBDA(r, {r, JOIN(" ", LET(v, SORT(FILTER(B:B, A:A=r)), INDEX(SEQUENCE(ROWS(v)) & "-&...
Blindspots's user avatar
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How to combine formulatext() and arrayformula()?

Try this: =MAP(A1:A10,LAMBDA(r,FORMULATEXT(r))) See map() and How to convert any Formula to ArrayFormula in Google Sheets.
Christian K's user avatar
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How can I return a list of IP addresses that doesn't include any I've already used?

You can use COUNTIF with FILTER to return your list without any IPs that have been used: =FILTER(list, LEN(list), NOT(COUNTIF(used, list))) # Using your sample data =FILTER(F4:F, LEN(F4:F), NOT(...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Generate a customized ID showing 10 numbers

Use text(), like this: =sort(text(sequence(42; 1; 0); "00000000A1")) For this to work, the formula needs an array enabling wrapper such as arrayformula(), index() or sort(). See text().
doubleunary's user avatar
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Calculating total score of a column

If your weighting is in column A; Your values are in B2:G100 Your formula could be =BYCOL(B2:G100, LAMBDA(col, SUMPRODUCT(A2:A100, col))) If your weighting is relative, your formula could be: =...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Select subrange of an array-returning formula like GOOGLEFINANCE()

Rather than invoking the sledgehammer that is the QUERY function, you can slice an array using this named function: SLICE(array, offset_rows, offset_cols, num_rows, num_cols) Returns a specified ...
Matt Whitlock's user avatar
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Script that reads rows and columns in a sheet and returns strings with frequency of occurrence

A Script is Unnecessary You are seeking a script but you can use Sheets native functions to achieve your goal with much less effort and complexity. Formula =QUERY( TOCOL( BYROW(TOCOL(A1:A,1), ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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How to find a string in a range and sum all the values inside multiple brackets for that string within a single cell in Google Sheets?

=QUERY( BYROW( INDEX( SPLIT( TOCOL( REGEXREPLACE( SPLIT(C3:C33,")"), "^[+-]",), 1), "(")),...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Data from second importrange function is in the wrong column

You are using a comma between the IMPORTRANGE functions, but should be using a semicolon. ----------------- {{A,B}, {C,D}} = | A | B | C | D | ----------------- ...
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Keyboard shortcut for jumping to Google Sheets formula bar

reviewing the above answers i discovered the best way to access the formula bar in Google Sheets. type " Control-j " ( which takes you to the " name " bar ) and than hit " ...
Terrence Olivido's user avatar
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Cannot create pie chart in which all values are identical

Is there a workaround for this? Absolutely!    Don't create your pie chart using a list of identical text strings   Workaround. 1.  Create your pie chart from a list containing at least 2 unique ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Formula for calculating cumulative cost with a fixed rate

Formula with your data REDUCE would work for your example. It uses an accumulator whose result is only returned once all the array values have been processed. =REDUCE(,SEQUENCE(3), LAMBDA(a, v, a + v*...
Blindspots's user avatar
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How can I automatically select and download rows as CSV based on checkbox states and then modify checkbox states after download?

This script saves a copy of the CSV in the drive folder of your choice and logs the download link and the parent folder link. It uses Google's API to convert to CSV instead of doing it from the sheet ...
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Formula for calculating cumulative cost with a fixed rate

Put Month 1 and $100 in cells A2:B2. Put Month 2 and =B2 + 100 in cells A3:B3. Select cells A3:B3 and copy them down. See Creating simple formulas.
doubleunary's user avatar
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In google sheets - how return *1.54M* as $1,540,000 with the same formula that I would return $1.35B* as $1,350,000,000?

Array Formula IMPORTHTML(...) is a placeholder for your existing formula that returns the source data. This aporoach multiplies numbers in the millions by 10^6, and billions by 10^9, and returns ...
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3D Formula Google Sheets - sum across sheets

function sum3D(ref, idx){ const sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets(); let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) { if (i >= idx) { let n = sheets[...
Blindspots's user avatar
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How to aggragate data based on a keyword

Use split() and query(), like this: =query( filter(iferror(split(A2:A, " -"), 0), len(A2:A)), "select Col1, sum(Col3) - sum(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 ...
doubleunary's user avatar
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How to use Google Sheet as a time tracker

Use two instances of regexextract(), like this: =regexextract(D3, "\d{2}:\d{2}$") - regexextract(D3, "\d{2}:\d{2}") Format the formula cell as Format > Number > Duration.
doubleunary's user avatar
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Why does my script return a TypeError when comparing getA1Notation to a string?

There is a syntax error in activeSheet.getRange.getA1Notation(). When using getRange as a way to get a range from the sheet assigned to a variable like activeSheet, choose one of the forms of this ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
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Sharing a single tab in Google sheet as a viewr?

It's not possible to share a single tab. If you are fine with users getting view-only access, you may want to explore Looker Studio. See the Gallery for examples of what you can do with it. In the ...
doubleunary's user avatar
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Google Sheets countif attendance sheet, quarterly report

=INDEX(LET( rng,Sheet1!B2:AZ, qtr,3, mRng,OFFSET(rng,-1,,1), qArr,INT((MONTH(mRng)+2)/3), SUM(BYROW(rng, LAMBDA(r, SUMPRODUCT(r, qArr=qtr)>0))*1))) rng stores the range without the ...
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How to add a Google sheet time driven trigger that runs offline?

How to add a Google sheet time driven trigger that runs offline? Apps Script runs on Google's servers, not in your computer. A time-driven trigger will fire at the time specified, regardless of ...
doubleunary's user avatar
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Match criteria THEN CountIFs

QUERY Function =QUERY(Sheet1!A:G, "Select A, COUNT(A) Where F != 'beta' AND G matches '.*apple.*' Group by A Label COUNT(A) 'Count'",1)
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Dynamic data range column in formula based on header value in google sheets

This approach uses two IMPORTRANGE calls to each Sheet. The first is for the label row to identify the correct row numbers. The second is for smallest range possible that includes both those columns. ...
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