21 votes

Can I view the HTML source of an email sent to my Gmail address?

Once you get your Show original window up, your address bar will contain something like this: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=1234567890&view=om&th=1234abcd1234abcd Just change ...
bibscy's user avatar
  • 311
5 votes

Image beside text in Gmail signature?

you can create customized HTML table at: https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit <table> <tr> <td><img src="https://i.imgur.com/heRClds.jpg?1"> </td> <td></td>&...
user0's user avatar
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3 votes

How to stop Blogger overwriting your custom html?

There is no way to prevent Blogger from doing this: the Post-editor does not support all aspects of HTML, and so some unsupported elements that you add will be removed (e.g., <p> tags), while ...
MaryC.fromNZ's user avatar
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Image beside text in Gmail signature?

I found a way how to solve this. Go to Google Docs, create a table: Customize the border of the table: One can copy this in the Gmail signature:
Adam's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I use JOIN in Google Sheets to create HTML body?

So to start, you want to double each of the quotes inside of your HTML tags for it to show up properly and not cancel out: so class="p1" would be class=""p1"" then for for the the list of p1 ...
Aurielle Perlmann's user avatar
3 votes

Can I view the HTML source of an email sent to my Gmail address?

To add to the accepted answer: If after pressing "View Original" you don't see the HTML code and only see big chunks of random text (Base64) then what you want to do is select the text under ...
trallgorm's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Share a URL on Twitter with thumbnail

<meta property="twitter:image" content="<URL-HERE>" /> You can use this meta tag for twitter. For more informations see here: https://dev.twitter.com/cards/markup
kastriotcunaku's user avatar
3 votes

Sending emails onSubmit using Google Apps Script Web Forms

You need to use the google.script.run.myServerFunctionName() client side API. You will need to use that anyway, in order to send the form data, unless you are using a HTTPS GET or POST request to ...
Alan Wells's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to import data into Google Sheets that is in a <div>?

You can use =IMPORTXML() which support xpath_query. In your use case, the query would be something like: =IMPORTXML("https://celsius.network/rates/", "//div[@id='ETH']") Here's ...
Frenchcooc's user avatar
3 votes

Exception: The parameters (HtmlService.HtmlOutput) don't match the method signature for Ui.showModalDialog

showModalDialog requires a title. Doc ref Change: var newcreds = ui.showModalDialog(form_cred) To: var newcreds = ui.showModalDialog(form_cred,"title")
Tedinoz's user avatar
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2 votes

Parse HTML through Google Spreadsheet using scripting

If you're trying to grab data that's stored in a list or table, you should use =ImportHTML(URL,Type,Index). Where Type is "List" or "Table" and index is which # table/list you want to import. ...
Brian Barr's user avatar
2 votes

bbcode in Facebook posts?

No, you can't use markup of any sort in Facebook posts. For strikethrough they're probably using high-ASCII characters. Pages may have more tools available to them, especially if they're advertisers ...
ale's user avatar
  • 52.7k
2 votes

How can I make a minimal, unstyled HTML form which works with Google Forms?

UPDATE: This used to work with the old version of Google Forms but it's not available anymore. Partial answer The skeleton of pretty basic instructions will look like the following: Get the code Go ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
2 votes

How to get inserted HTML to render in Google Docs?

I always do this and it works for me. Save the HTML file as it is, just save it as HTML. Open the saved file (HTML) with Word. Save it as Word format i.e DOC or DOCX. Upload the saved word file into ...
Alireza Honarfar's user avatar
2 votes

How can I use JOIN in Google Sheets to create HTML body?

I see what the Asker is getting at, and I have an answer and some advice: First, I should warn you, that down this path lies madness. It may seem like something obvious to do, and it doesn't look ...
hlecuanda's user avatar
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2 votes

How to export text from Google Doc as HTML?

You can use a regular expression like this in Text Wrangler : <a href="https://www.google.com/url\?q=(.*)\&amp;sa(.*)">(.*)</a> and replace by : <a href="$1">$3</a>
Mantisse's user avatar
  • 119
2 votes

Does GitHub have an escape character for their markup?

GitHub uses Markdown (specifically a custom 'flavour' thereof), and in Markdown you can escape backticks in code by using double backticks: https://github.com/mattcone/markdown-guide/blob/master/...
BWPanda's user avatar
  • 136
2 votes

How do I open a webpage in Google Docs?

Try Save to Google Drive Chrome extension. More details in Save web content to Google Drive NOTE: The above extension works with the page referred by the OP. From the corresponding Chrome Store ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
2 votes

How to download an image - no image file given

In this case, the image is a Scalable Vector Graphics (svg) image, not a png or gif. In the debug tools you have open, you can right-click and copy the entire element and save it in a file with the ....
Harris Spivack's user avatar
1 vote

Trying to use Google Sheets importHTML() to import a table. But no content appears

IMPORTHTML doesn't works because the page you are trying to scrape use JavaScript to add the data tables to the page. Google Sheets doesn't have built-in functions that are able to scrape data that is ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

What is the correct LinkedIn page cover image size?

LinkedIn, as well as other major websites, can't afford to lock down aspect ratio to a specific variable due to cross-platform support of various devices and browsers. Therefore, correct LinkedIn ...
user0's user avatar
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How do I print a webpage while expanding all toggle-div-header?

You would probably be best off to save this page locally and then use basic HTML editing to make all divs visible. You would likely use something like style="display:block" in each of the divs. You ...
Jochen Daum's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get a Google Doc to render HTML?

From my answer to How do you embed a video into a Google Doc? with a sligth adaptation: At this time it's not possible to insert a video to embed HTML in a Google document. Below is the current ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

How to export text from Google Doc as HTML?

If you want to convert links in Google Docs to HTML, give the gd2md-html add-on a try (full disclosure: I developed this): https://github.com/evbacher/gd2md-html/wiki You can select a section of text ...
evb's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

How to prevent Gmail from breaking layouts by creating map link from address?

Use tables and supported CSS properties and media queries.
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

Constraints on Gmail signatures

Right, solved this one... Problem was that I was copying the signature from within another page, and even though I wasn't copying any of the page's HTML directly, it would seem that something was ...
Lukeg4's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote

VSTS deploy to third party hosting?

If your hosting provider allows FTP access you could use the FTP Upload step in your deployment pipeline.
BenV's user avatar
  • 271
1 vote

How do I apply text effects like this in "The Three Evils"

This is called 'Zalgo' on Stack Exchange, and how it works can be found here. It makes use of so-called 'combining characters' in Unicode. A combining character basically says 'I'm a normal character,...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

How to generate a basic HTML (<p> and <br>) version of another cell in Google Sheets?

Here's a solution which will work if all the text is in a single cell, and doesn't require funky line breaks in the formula. =concatenate("<p>",substitute(A1,CHAR(10)&CHAR(10),concatenate("&...
ale's user avatar
  • 52.7k
1 vote

How to generate a basic HTML (<p> and <br>) version of another cell in Google Sheets?

It's not a pretty formula, but I got this to work (replace A1 with cell that has the source text to perform the modifications on): =SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE("<p>", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1, " ", ...
Christopher Su's user avatar

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