In news feed "person X replied to a comment"—how do I see this comment?
The notifications for such things on the desktop browser version of Facebook are horribly broken, and clicking the link in the notification often does not go to the actual comment in question.
A ...
How to remove "[Friend] Liked this post" from my Facebook news feed?
Read this -> What does it mean to see first?
If this is your current setting and bothering you, changed it.
You cannot stop "Your friend liked this" notification directly from your News Feed. This ...
Facebook: don't show news from TV shows I "like" in my feed?
If you dont want to see news or spoilers about TV shows you like in your newsfeed, one way is to of course unlike the Page of that TV show, or else you could just "unfollow" that Page.
However that ...
Remove/mark the seen posts on the Facebook news feed
You cannot remove or mark as seen to a post on News Feed. But you can hide a post in your News Feed.
To hide a post in your News Feed, click three dots (...) in the top right of the post and select ...
RSS feeds for Associated Press News
The lists I found in January have disappeared but here are a few I captured then, and they still work. They are not RSS though they are Atom, and that should be readable by your newsreader.
AP Top ...
RSS feeds for Associated Press News
It seems that AP uses a custom XML format for their feeds. RSS is very limiting in terms of the data types that it allows and requires. (Media RSS adds a bit more in the area of media, images, etc.)
How to remove "[Friend] Liked this post" from my Facebook news feed?
Facebook does not offer a built in method of doing this in their own interface. There is however a safe and free browser add-on called FB Purity that lets you filter out newsfeed posts depending on ...
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