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5 votes

Setting up "Send As" on Gmail to an outlook account gets "Missed upload deadline" error

The solution in my case was to VPN to a location close to where my school was and then ping. It seems that outlook smtp is located close to where your account was opened, not where you are at the ...
oarsome's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is SendGrid limiting my account to 100 emails per month instead of 100 emails per day?

I sent in a support request and received this message: In order to receive the 100 emails per day, you'll need to choose the Email API trial or the Marketing Campaigns trial. You can do so by ...
Pikamander2's user avatar
2 votes

No web host, only a domain name: Can I use it to send email with Gmail?

I understand that the domain registration is on Google Domains. Right? If so you can use Google Domains' Email forwarding feature. Here is the Google help page how to set it up with detailed ...
Yisroel Tech's user avatar
2 votes

Avoid UTF8 option is gone from Gmail

Gmail will happily accept recipient addresses containing UTF8 characters and try to send mails to the recipients, but the receiving mailserver may not support recipient addresses containing UTF8 '...
Jens Knudsen's user avatar
2 votes

Gmail "Send Mail As" from a Google Apps account, using an alias

To make this work, the aliased email address ([email protected]) needs to be configured as a "Send mail as" address in both your regular Gmail account ([email protected]) and your Google ...
Mate Solymosi's user avatar
2 votes

Gmail 'send mail as' setup always fails using an alias from a "separate" Gmail account

TL;DR Regardless of whether using a Google Account's primary email address for a "Send As" alias, or an email alias of that account, you must always use the account's username to ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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What are the SMTP and POP settings for yahoo mail to use in outlook (in 2020)?

Yahoo announced changes to their security Ween using non-Yahoo applications (such as third-party email, calendar, or contact applications) that may use a less secure sign-in method. They announced ...
Web App User's user avatar
1 vote

My legacy G-Suite email address stopped receiving all email

The G Suite Administrator Help Center include a lot of information that could help us to troubleshoot many problems, specially those related to the email service. In cases like this, delivery ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

My legacy G-Suite email address stopped receiving all email

The problem was the DNS records. Recently I had to migrate my hosting provider for the domain, I thought I was just updating "A" records but apparently all the MX records vanished along with DKIM ...
soapergem's user avatar
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How to send emails from my Gmail account through another mail service?

You'll need to enabled "less secure" app access to your account. First, go to your Google Account. On the left navigation panel, click Security. Near the bottom of the page, in the Less secure app ...
Michael's user avatar
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Avoid UTF8 option is gone from Gmail

Short answer If you need to send your message now, try a different email service to send it. Explanation Here is a thread from 2017 on the Official Gmail Help Forum UTF-8 Message not delivered. ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

No web host, only a domain name: Can I use it to send email with Gmail?

I believe there are two options: The way Gmail sends mail from a normal free account using another domain is by logging in to the SMTP server you specify and sending the mail via SMTP. So if you ...
Wodin's user avatar
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How to find my Gmail SMTP Server

Gmails SMTP Server address is: You can login with your email address and password. More info at: G Suite Administrator Help.
David's user avatar
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How to send mail on behalf of Google apps address with Gmail?

Check the following use Gmail SMTP server ; Gmail SMTP server - requires authentication with your Gmail/Google Apps account and password. Messages can be sent to anyone inside or outside of ...
Édouard Lopez's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot stop importing into Gmail from

Go to and look under "Options". Under "Mail forwarding" you should see that your email is being forwarded to another address. Simply turn it off.
ale's user avatar
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Gmail "send mail as" not working. No error messages

You haven't actually been sending mail through Google's SMTP relay. It's address is or as seen here. The server at would belong to ...
Folk's user avatar
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