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Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
40 votes

How to see which formulas reference a given cell in Google Sheets?

36 votes

Conditional format rule "Text Contains" with a "+" misinterpreted as a formula

36 votes

Lock the formula of a cell, even if the cells it references change

33 votes

How can I view Google Photos that are not in a Google Photos album?

27 votes

How can I view what playlist, if any, a YouTube video is in?

23 votes

Report dishonest websites to Google Search

23 votes

How to include multiple IF statements in one cell in Google Sheets

23 votes

In Google Inbox, is there a way to get a permalink to specific messages or threads?

22 votes

Where went the Google Photos album "Hangouts"?

21 votes

Show URL used to edit responses from a Google Form in a Google Spreadsheet by using a script

17 votes

Deleted over 60k emails on Gmail, space usage still the same

17 votes

How to know if Google Sheets IMPORTDATA, IMPORTFEED, IMPORTHTML or IMPORTXML functions are able to get data from a resource hosted on a website?

16 votes

Is it possible to add a checkbox/button equivalent?

16 votes

In Google Drive, is there a way to search files located in a particular folder?

16 votes

Compare date value to current date in Google Sheets

16 votes

How can I insert a cross-reference to a figure in Google Docs?

15 votes

How to label points in a scatter plot?

15 votes

Concatenate several columns into one in Google Sheets

15 votes

How can I merge two columns by using QUERY?

14 votes

How to view the full size and remove old Google Profile pictures

14 votes

How can I create a formula to generate a range in Google Sheets?

14 votes

Is there a constant to represent "last row of a column" in Google Spreadsheet?

14 votes

Is there a standard place to make YouTube feature requests?

13 votes

Is it possible to refer to a whole column in Google Spreadsheets using R1C1 format?

13 votes

Is it possible to delete the revision history in a Google Spreadsheet or Doc?

12 votes

How to see your Google reminders on Google Calendar desktop?

12 votes

Return a blank when cell reference is blank

12 votes

An arrayformula to find the previous non-empty cell in another column

11 votes

Compare two lists and display missing items in a Google Spreadsheet

11 votes

Is there a shortcut key for changing Google Sheets text color to the "last color"?

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