Yes theyYou can but only ifsee the number of people in real time who are viewing your Google Docs, simply open the doc and in the right hand corner of the screen you'll see the number of unique users who are currently viewing the document. In the screenshot below you’ll see that there are three unique users viewing the document.
So unless the person who shared the doc with you has it open at the same time they use a third party tools like Orangedoxwon't know that you've viewed or downloaded it.
If someone did want to know when you've viewed or downloaded their document I'd consider moving your document to Google Drive and using a link shortenerdocument tracking plugin like BitOrangedox | Track your This will let you track every preview of your document including each unique user who’ve viewed or Google URL shortenerdownloaded it. Though
Disclaimer: I work for all of those the URL will be different than the default