I'm trying to create a button in Google sheets which, when pressed, imports a sheet from a separate spreadsheet into the current one and gives it a name of 'Miscellaneous' followed by the number 1 through to infinity.
For example, the first time the button is pressed it will import a sheet and call it 'Miscellaneous 1' and the second time I press the button it will import a second sheet called 'Miscellaneous 2', so on...
I have the import working and now I'm trying to use a counter to increment the number after 'Miscellaneous'. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? The error is occurring on line 22
var n = 0;
function addcountUp() {
n += 1;
function copyFromTemplate(){
var templateSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1iXnLkMaPh73lcnkXP1yRV53H824y24FUa1a297OmAKk');
var template = templateSpreadsheet.getSheets()[0]; //Assuming it is the first sheet
//The default name will be "Copy of [original name]". We can use this to change it
var newName = ("Miscellaneous " + n);
var currentSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();