How about this modification? You can send an email including images using inlineImages of Advanced parameters at MailApp.sendEmail()MailApp.sendEmail()
. You have already been able to retrieve the image blob. In this modified script, the blob is used.
Modified script:
function sendImage(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
var fileUrl = sheet.getRange('C2').getValue();
var index = fileUrl.indexOf('=') + 1;
var fileId = fileUrl.substring(index);
var img = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId).getBlob();
name: "my Name",
to: '[email protected]',
subject: "Test 1",
htmlBody: "<img src=\"cid:sampleImage\">", // Modified
inlineImages: {sampleImage: img} // Modified