i'mI'm trying to create a timesheet where iI can calculate the normal hours, overtime and weekend hours.
Here is the sheet imI'm working on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S4l2txvsjLQnWC4O5D3C0wj5kJWoeocNP7y4f2YOLcg/edit?usp=sharing
So far iI managed to get the list of dates calculate hours worked and which is overtime, but what iI can't figure out is how to calculate the worked hours on weekends, because iI have 3 rates to pay (for normal hours, overtime and if workedwork on weekendweekends).
I could to that if iI put like a check box next to each date and manually select the weekends, but iI wonder if iI could do it automatically.
PS. :D the sheet looks ugly but i'm trying to get everything working then i will work on the design.