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How can I count the number of reverted edits of a Wikipedia Useruser?

In the german wikipediaGerman Wikipedia you don't get some rights according todepending on the number of reverted edits you have. I would like to know how many of my edits I made were reverted.

I know, where you can check if you may vote.

I know where you can see a very detailed log youof your changes. Among others, you can see how many edits were deleted. Are deleted edits the same as reverted? LetsLet's say you create a new article. For this article, you make 20 edits. Afterwards, the article gets deleted. GoesDoes your "revert count" 20go up by 20?

How can I count the number of reverted edits of a Wikipedia User?

In the german wikipedia you don't get some rights according to the number of reverted edits you have. I would like to know how many edits I made were reverted.

I know, where you can check if you may vote.

I know where you can see a very detailed log you your changes. Among others, you can see how many edits were deleted. Are deleted edits the same as reverted? Lets say you create a new article. For this article, you make 20 edits. Afterwards, the article gets deleted. Goes your "revert count" 20 up?

How can I count the number of reverted edits of a Wikipedia user?

In the German Wikipedia you don't get some rights depending on the number of reverted edits you have. I would like to know how many of my edits were reverted.

I know, where you can check if you may vote.

I know where you can see a very detailed log of your changes. Among others, you can see how many edits were deleted. Are deleted edits the same as reverted? Let's say you create a new article. For this article, you make 20 edits. Afterwards, the article gets deleted. Does your "revert count" go up by 20?

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How can I count the number of reverted edits of a Wikipedia User?

In the german wikipedia you don't get some rights according to the number of reverted edits you have. I would like to know how many edits I made were reverted.

I know, where you can check if you may vote.

I know where you can see a very detailed log you your changes. Among others, you can see how many edits were deleted. Are deleted edits the same as reverted? Lets say you create a new article. For this article, you make 20 edits. Afterwards, the article gets deleted. Goes your "revert count" 20 up?