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when toggle format what by license comment
Nov 29 at 13:38 comment added Blindspots @Andrew ensure your question is clear so members don't invest time providing solutions that don't meet your needs. If you want an Apps Script solution, show what you've tried and what didn't work.
Nov 28 at 9:55 comment added Andrew Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. I initially did what you said using the cell on the right, but, it was the only one in a long vertical column that needed a unit, so it really screwed up the layout of the whole sheet. I was hoping it would do what you described: person puts in 65 and the cell automatically turns it into "65 in" or "64 m" (with the space) depending on the value of the previous dropdown. I'm sure this is an easy solve with AppScript, but I'm a complete novice at that so it's defeated me. :o(
S Nov 28 at 6:49 review First answers
Nov 29 at 13:38
S Nov 28 at 6:49 history answered GoogleCat CC BY-SA 4.0