Zapier's parser is reading innaccurately despite confirming our template, so the pipeline (slightly Odd, I know - not my choice) is: Google Voice > Gmail (filter > automatic label) > Zapier detects label > writes to google sheets in column A. Column B = Column A so that we maintain raw text in Column A.
The incoming data looks like this:
Google voice message message **AAA+######** **BBB+#######** **CCC+######** Message message message **DATE** **TIME** **URL** message message message
I'm having trouble automatically getting the following values into the various columns I need them in for datastudio. Desired Column headers are underlined, and the values that go in the column follow the colon.
AAA: +#######
BBB: +#######
CCC: +#######
Date: DATE
Time: TIME
I'm stuck between writing a script for it to automatically split data and work like that, upon each new row being created (aka automatically applying formulas in columns B through whatever, to any new entry in column A, for each new row) OR Using a RegEx (still new to this so any help is welcome)! for each of these values. OR Seeking a 3rd party parser. OR your suggestion, if I'm missing something!
Does anyone have any advice on how to approach this?
All the best & thanks so much!