I found a proposed solution on Stack, but I can't get it to work.
Starting formula:
=IF(G3<>""; JOIN(CHAR(10); FILTER(ARRAYFORMULA(Sheet1!B1:B &" "&
Sheet1!C1:C &" "&
Sheet1!D1:D); Sheet1!A1:A=G3));)
I modified to match my Sheet's info, but I can't get to work.
I'm getting Filter range size errors:
--FILTER has mismatched range sizes.
--Expected row count: 1000. column count: 1.
--Actual row count: 1. column count: 1.
What I have noticed:
- my formula refuses to maintain the ";" and autochanges them to ","
- I have the added AND(), rather than a simple "="
My formula:
JOIN(CHAR(10), FILTER(ARRAYFORMULA('Drive-Times'!A$3:A &"-"&
my sample Sheet
My problem cell is highlighted in Green: compilations!A4