You know that YouTube allows us to see our watch history.
My watch history is about 5000 videos, so I can't keep scrolling to reach the first videos that I viewed.
Are there any better ways to view the watch history?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Not possible, unless you load the page and keep pressing the "End" button on your keyboard until you reach the first video.
Scroll to the end one time.
save the web page as (Web Archive) document.
Open saved file with TextEdit (Mac)
Good way until youtube develop this bug.
I wrote a scraper (in Python 2.7 and Scrapy) for this task a while ago. Sans official API, it uses a logged in session cookie and HTML parsing. Dumps to SQLite by default.
Github: Youtube-Watch-History-Scraper
Yes there's a way (Note that it did not work for me whit Internet Explorer)
Use Google Chrome
Go to your history and clic the button "Load more" until you reah what you are looking for.
But as mentionned above you may not be able to view your very first video if it is too old.