Punctuation Notes
Special characters and punctuation are generally ignored except for the following exceptions.
"" - Quotations
Phrase Search
"Captain Crunch"
: - Colon
Selector for search parameters
- - Dash / Negation
Used to exclude terms from the query
steve -jobs -wozniak -perry
+ - Plus
Used for the exact term preventing similar words
~ - Tilde Operator
Takes the word immediately following it and searches both for that specific word and for the word’s synonyms.
Math Operations
+ - Addition
- - Subtraction
/ - Division
***** - Multiplication
Reserved Symbols
$ - Dollar symbol
Used for currency
# - Pound / Sharp
Used in:
- C# C Sharp programming language, F Sharp, etc..
- Chords, Scales
++ PlusPlus
Used in: C++ Programming Language.
_ Underscore
Treats entire set as one
not peter parker, + is used to prevent similar wordings.
If you still cannot obtain what you are searching for follow these questions for advice:
How can I search for a keyword with special characters in Google Search?
How to search the internet for terms with special characters
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