We share event photos with public through Google Plus photos. We can were able to directly give a link to an album, or to a list of available albums like this:


But this link doesn't work anymore—it displays a link to new Google Photos where you need to log in.

Can anybody give a link to the list of publicly shared photo albums on new Google Photos, which doesn't require the visitor to log in?

I don't mean the highlights page which brings contents of all albums, rather than a simple list of albums:


3 Answers 3


Since Google Plus is shutting down in April 2019, I was looking for a replacement to share multiple shared albums via one URL (one page). And the solution I found is this:

  1. create a new site using https://sites.google.com
  2. from the Insert pane, click Embed
  3. in Google Photos,
    • open your shared album,
    • click the share icon,
    • click Create link and Copy the URL, which should look like https:// goo.gl/photos/_hash_
  4. back on your new Site in the Insert/Embed dialog paste the URL of the album, it previews your thumbnail and you Insert it into the page.
  5. Done.

When you go through Google Photos (photos.google.com) you are able to create albums and share them with a publicly available URL that doesn't require an account. Your albums from Google+ should be there automatically.

  • But this only gives us public direct links to albums right? We are looking for a URL to a list of our publicly available albums, so a visitor can browse albums with names and cover thumbnails, without requiring a link for each one. We've temporarily switched to the highlights page. Commented Dec 23, 2015 at 4:33
  • I'm unable to verify, but it looks like this might have been answered here: webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/45600/…
    – declyne
    Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 16:08
  • Thank you. I've seen that question. OP asks for a URL to list 'albums shared by others with him/her'. And one of the answers states the URL pattern I've already written in my question, which I've used for years and doesn't work now. Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 18:57

We have exactly the same problem. For now we solved with https://plus.google.com/+PAGENAME/photos which I know you don't like.

Another possibility is to go through Picasa: https://picasaweb.google.com/PAGE_ID

But if you find better solution, I'd like to know about it.

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