I have a table like so:

| A | 100 |
| B | 125 |
| C | 454 |
| A | 234 |
| A | 343 |
| B | 222 |
| C | 754 |

I want to write a query where I can search for a particular letter under column A and then display the corresponding value and cell location. I wrote a query like this:


That generates the following results:

| 125 |
| 222 |

But what I want it to display is:

| A2 | 125 |
| A6 | 222 |

Where it shows the location of all the numbers associated with B. How do I change my formula to display cell locations?

Additionally: it would be nice if I can hyperlink the cell locations to jump directly to the spot. Is there a way to dynamically hyperlink the resultant table?


1 Answer 1


You can create another column on the fly and select it with the query:

=query(arrayformula({A:B, "A"&row(A:A)}), "select Col3, Col2 where Col1 = 'B'")

The arrayformula prepares a three-column table, with the third column being cell references. Since this is a table not contained in the sheet, the column references are abstract names Col1, Col2, Col3 instead of letters A,B,...

There are no hyperlinks leading to cell locations in Google Sheets.

  • This worked! But can you explain what exactly is happening with {A:B, "A"&row(A:A)}. I don't understand the syntax or reasons.
    – Richard
    Commented Dec 15, 2016 at 21:10
  • It's the array notation. For example, {A:B, D:D} means a three-column array which consists of the columns A,B,D in your sheet. In this case, the third column is obtained from a formula "A"&row(A:A) which means: put letter A in front of row number.
    – user135384
    Commented Dec 15, 2016 at 21:24

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