I'm stress testing an application that relies on importing spreadsheets. I can populate those spreadsheets with dummy data, but sometimes I need thousands upon thousands of rows (the only thing that needs to change from one row to another is the email, where it can auto increment like so: user1, user2 etc).

I don't want to copy/paste 10,000 rows, I'd rather I have an arrayformula or something where I simply state: given the contents of row1, repeat X times and concatenate the user field by a number (I know how to do the last part, it's the publication of the rows number that I find difficult).

Sample sheet Sample sheet

Script workaround

I wrote this quick Python script to do what I'm trying to do here using a spreadsheet formula:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import csv

with open("orders.csv", 'w') as myfile:
    header =["Site","Email","Password","Size","NotificationEmail","NotificationText","PostiveKW","NegativeKW","StyleNumber","EarlyLinkMonitorKeywords","NewPageMonitorKeywords","FirstNameBilling","LastNameBilling","address1Billing","address2Billing","cityBilling","stateBilling","zipCodeBilling","countryBilling","phoneBilling","houseNbBilling","FirstNameShipping","LastNameShipping","address1Shipping","address2Shipping","cityShipping","stateShipping","zipCodeShipping","countryShipping","phoneShipping","houseNbShipping","friendlyName","NameOnCard","DOB","cardType","CardNumber","CardExpirationMonth","CardExpirationYear","CardSecurityCode","billingEmail","paypalEmail","paypalPassword","CheckoutDelaySeconds","CheckoutOncePerWebsite","OrderThreads"]

    wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

    numberOfRows = 10
    while numberOfRows > 0:
        row=["StressTest","guest.805642","guest","3","","","xxx","","","http://www.footaction.com/product/model:95404/sku:23419012/jordan-6-rings-boys-grade-school/black/white/","","Mark","Escude","105 Putney bridge lane","","Simpsonville","SC","29681","US","9018345575","","Mark","Escude","105 Putney bridge lane","","Simpsonville","SC","29681","US","9018345575","","6676","Mark Escude","0/0/0","AMEX","3.71E+14","1","2020","562","[email protected]","","","0","FALSE","100"]
        numberOfRows = numberOfRows-1

  • 1
    sample sheet provided
    – abbood
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 5:11

2 Answers 2




=ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(QUERY(ROW(A1:A4),"Select '"& JOIN("👮",IF(ISBLANK(A2:AS2),"-",A2:AS2))&"' label '"& JOIN("👮",IF(ISBLANK(A2:AS2),"-",A2:AS2))&"' '' ",0),"👮",1))

We're inputting a blank array ROW (A1:A4) of size 4 rows. And we're using QUERY literals to repeat B2:AS2 4 times.


Formula Simplification #3

  • this is not clear.. so what is it that i'm querying from? suppose the only row of Data i have is in Sheet1!A1:Y1
    – abbood
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 5:34
  • @abbood, If you want to repeat 10 times, Change ROW(A1:A4) to ROW (A1:A10) That's all.
    – TheMaster
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 6:00
  • again i'm not sure what i'm copying from.. perhaps if you make a copy of the above sample sheet and use your script above to demonstrate, that would eliminate all the guesswork
    – abbood
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 6:05
  • @abbood Just copy my formula and paste it in A3. You'll get it
    – TheMaster
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 6:22
  • 1
    @pnuts No. That's the modification op has to make/ had already made. " the only thing that needs to change from one row to another is the email, where it can auto increment like so: user1, user2 etc)..... concatenate the user field by a number (I know how to do the last part, it's the publication of the rows number that i find difficult). " So, He would need to skip the email column and enter his formula( that he already made) in there, while filling the rest with my formula.
    – TheMaster
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 7:38

A much much simpler answer:



2:2 will be the array to copy.

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