I'm trying to format a Google Sheet to speed up some data entry at my job, tracking the cost of a few different articles, which all have a 3 letter code associated with them, so that all I have to do when entering the data is enter the 3 letter code and the associated cost will appear in the adjacent column.
Basically I'd like to set up conditional formatting that works something like this: IF(B4='SPS') THEN(C4='0.08')
There are 11 different articles with a 3 letter code and associated cost attached, so I'm assuming there would need to be 11 IF rules that would need to apply to the same range of cells, for example: IF(B4='SPS') THEN(C4='0.08'), IF(B4='ACD') THEN(C4='0.33'), IF(B4='FRS') THEN(C4='0.62'),
What is the best way to go about this?