I have a Google Sheet to get an overview of all workshops/events we are hosting.
There is a tab INPUT. There is a column for Date, Month, Event, Location, Presenter, Language. The column month is filled in automatically based on the date, with the month formula.
Then I have a tab where I want to get an overview of the events per month. And another tab where I want to get an overview per location and event.
For now I used a formula which I already knew, this one:
overview per location and event
=QUERY(importrange("url of my document"; "INPUT!A1:F28");"select Col1,Col5,Col6 where (Col3= 'Welcome') and (Col4= 'Melle') order by Col2")
overview of the events per month
=QUERY(importrange("url of my document"; "INPUT!A1:F28");"select Col1,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6 where (Col2= 1) order by Col2")
But I was wondering if there is an easier formula to get the same result. Now I am using importrange referring to the url of the document, but that seems to be a bit weird because I am working in only one sheet, I don't want to pull data from another sheet, just from another tab.
Can I use the importrange formula differently? Can I use vlookup? Arrayformula? Or something else?