Assuming I insert every day some rows into Sheet1, this formula stops working and I have to manually edit every day --- can the reference to Cell A2 and Cell E2 be a variable that remains hardcoded as for example inserting 4 rows both became A6 and E6 and the value totals are all wrong until I manually change to A2 and E2 from A6 and E6:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(FILTER({WEEKDAY(Sheet1!A2:A),Sheet1!E2:E},ISNUMBER(Sheet1!E2:E),Sheet1!E2:E>0),"SELECT Col1, COUNT(Col1), SUM(Col2) GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY Col1 ASC LABEL Col1 'Day', COUNT(Col1) 'Count by Day', SUM(Col2) 'Sum by Day'"))
Can A2 be some pointer to a cell that has the text "A2" and it always stays as A2 in the formula -- same question for E2?