Is it possible to use Twitter's advanced search function (or something else) to find people that tweet about a certain topic regularly, or that match a certain criteria?

For example, I'm looking for people who play soccer-baseball (also known as kickball) in my area and have a lot of followers (lets say over 5000).

The only thing I can think of is to perform an advanced twitter search, and then "study" the search results for profiles that meet my criteria.

Is there a better way?


2 Answers 2


You can try the "who to follow" feature in Twitter, which enables you to search by name or topic. http://twitter.com/#!/who_to_follow/search/kickball

  • Feature is gone
    – Nemo
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 10:10

Twellow allows you do this via the following query,
Though you are not able to filter by the followers count.

Wefollow instead allows you to sort by most followers,
You are not able to filter by location.


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