I have a table with data in columns A-U. Rows go down to 368. I would like to pull (onto a different sheet) all the information in columns A-F where it matches a keyword from a dropdown menu (in cell A1 of this new sheet). It should search columns S, T, or U for matches to that keyword (in A1).
I've tried:
iferror(QUERY(Data, "select A, B, C, D, E, F where S = """&A1&"""", 0),A1:U368/0);
iferror(QUERY(Data, "select A, B, C, D, E, F where T = """&A1&"""", 0),A1:U368/0);
iferror(QUERY('Data, "select A, B, C, D, E, F where U = """&A1&"""", 0),A1:U368/0)}))
The problem I am finding is that if the keyword is present in all three columns it will return the data, but if the keyword is not present in say column U, it won't return any of the data (even if there are matches in S or T).
Is there a simpler way of running this QUERY
I basically want to say show me the data if S = A1, OR T = A1, OR U = A1 but cannot figure out how to do that.