The following answer was developed piecemeal and many elements could have been combined to create a more efficient process. However, each of the functions will run standalone and this may assist the OP and others in development of their coding.
The chart developed by this answer looks like this:
Step#1: Colour Reference
In order to allocate a specific colour to each unique task in the graph data, there needs to be an index showing the task/colour assignments.
- create a new sheet (mine is called "colorRefChart"), but this is a variable so you can choose your own name
- populate the list with the unique Task name in Column A, and the relevant background colour in Column B.
- it should look something like this:
Step#2: Chart data
- I assumed that the chart data was on the same sheet as the chart.
- I created a new sheet (mine was called "ejbChart") but again this is a variable so you can choose your own name
- The data is in columns B&C;
- Column B: Task/event name
- Column C: Time
- It is not necessary to have background colours in this list. In fact, it probably makes management of the list easier.
- There should be no task names in this list that are not also in the Colour Reference list. Ideally one would include some error checking for this, but I'll leave this for the OP.
- The process to graph the data is dynamic, so the data can occupy any number of rows provided that there are no gaps in any rows of the data.
The data might look something like this
Step3: Code to update colours
The key function is buildTaskColors
which does two things:
- assigns colours to each data value based on the background colour in the "colorRefChart" sheet.
- builds an external "Legend" to the right of the chart (the standard legend being irrelevant because it displays every data element)
function buildTaskColors(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
var colorSheetName = "colorRefChart"
var colorSheet = ss.getSheetByName(colorSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: number of charts = "+charts.length)
var chart = charts[0]
// get the data from the chartSheet
var firstRow=4
var bVals = chartSheet.getRange("B"+firstRow+":B").getValues()
var bLast = bVals.filter(String).length
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the last row in Column B = "+(bLast+firstRow-1))
var dataRange = chartSheet.getRange(4,2,bLast)
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the data range = "+dataRange.getA1Notation())
var dataValues = dataRange.getValues()
var tasks ={return e[0]})
// get the color info
// get the last row in Column A
var aVals = colorSheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var aLast = aVals.filter(String).length;
//Logger.log("the last row in Column A = "+aLast)
var colorRange = colorSheet.getRange(2,1,aLast,2)
//Logger.log("the color range = "+colorRange.getA1Notation())
var colorValues = colorRange.getValues()
var taskNames ={return e[0]})
// create a temporary array for the background colors
var colorCodes = new Array()
var bgRange = colorSheet.getRange(2,2,aLast,1)
var bgValues = bgRange.getBackgrounds()
var colorCodes ={return e[0]})
// create a temporary array to hold the color values
var colorList = new Array()
// loop though the data rows on the Chart
// for each task find the match on the ColourRef and get the color code
for (var i=0;i<dataValues.length;i++){
var colorNumber = taskNames.indexOf(tasks[i])
var hexColor = colorCodes[colorNumber]
//Logger.log("DEBUG: i:"+i+", task = "+tasks[i]+", colorNumber = "+colorNumber+", color = "+hexColor)
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart().setColors(colorList)
Logger.log("DEBUG: Built the color assignments")
// now create the external legend beside the chart
var legendStartCol=11
var legendCount = taskNames.length
var legendTaskRange = chartSheet.getRange(firstRow,legendStartCol+1,legendCount,2)
Logger.log("Updated the Legend: Tasks column")
var legendBGRange = chartSheet.getRange(firstRow,legendStartCol,legendCount)
Logger.log("Updated the Legends: Background Color Column")
Key aspects-Colour values
- gets the chart data (a 2D array)
- then
var tasks ={return e[0]})
creates a 1D array of all the tasks. This contains as many items as there are rows of data
- gets the color references (a 2D array)
- then
var taskNames ={return e[0]})
creates a 1D array of the task names. This is a short list containing only the unique task names.
- gets the background colour HEX codes (
var bgValues = bgRange.getBackgrounds()
); this is a 2D array
- then
var colorCodes ={return e[0]})
creates a 1D array of codes
- loop through the task names from the chart data using
( var colorNumber = taskNames.indexOf(tasks[i])
) to find a match with the task name from the color reference sheet
- when a match is found, the relevant HEX value is obtains (
var hexColor = colorCodes[colorNumber]
- and the hex value is pushed onto a temporary array that will be used later to update the chart (
- a HEX value is collected for each every task value and this is updated to the chart
Key aspects-External legend
using data collected for the assignment of colours to chart values
- the unique task names from colour Reference are saved to the sheet (
- the background colours are set (
The resulting Legend should look something like this:
Other Code
In order to develop the answer, I found it useful to develop code that would:
- build the chart:
and make a number of modifications, including:
- making it a stacked bar chart:
- switching Rows and Columns:
- hiding the legend:
- setting the background colour:
- setting the chart dimensions:
- setting the X and Y axis text colours:
These are offered E&OE
function buildchart() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var sheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName)
// get the data range
// could use 'getLastRow' but I want to make sure that focus is solely on Task Column
var bStartRow = 3
var bstartColumn = 2
var bRange = chartSheet.getRange("B"+bStartRow+":B")
var bVals = bRange.getValues()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the range is = "+bRange.getA1Notation())
var bLast = bVals.filter(String).length;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Number of rows of data = "+bLast);
var chartRangeNotation = chartSheet.getRange(bStartRow,bstartColumn,bLast,2).getA1Notation()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: range: "+ chartRangeNotation)
// build the chart
const chart = chartSheet.newChart()
.setPosition(4, 2, 19, 2)
function makeStacked(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: number of charts = "+charts.length)
var chart = charts[0]
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart().setStacked()
Logger.log("DEBUG: Chart is stacked")
function switchRowsandColumns(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: number of charts = "+charts.length)
var chart = charts[0]
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart().setTransposeRowsAndColumns(true)
Logger.log("DEBUG: Switched Rows and Columns")
function setLegendNone(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: number of charts = "+charts.length)
var chart = charts[0]
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart().setLegendPosition(Charts.Position.NONE);
Logger.log("DEBUG: Set legend to NONE")
function setChartBGColor(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
var chart = charts[0]
var bgColor = "#666666"
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart().setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
Logger.log("Set chart background color")
function setChartDimensions(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
var chart = charts[0]
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart()
.setOption('chartArea', {left:'10%', top:'5%', width:"85%", height:"80%"})
Logger.log("DEBUG: Chart area is set")
function setAxisTextCol(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var chartSheetName = "ejbChart"
var chartSheet = ss.getSheetByName(chartSheetName)
const charts = chartSheet.getCharts()
var chart = charts[0]
const barBuilder = chart.modify().asBarChart()
.setOption('hAxis.textStyle', { color: '#ffffff' })
.setOption('vAxis.textStyle', { color: '#ffffff' })
Logger.log("DEBUG: Axis Color is set")