Is there a way to apply conditional formatting to specific values within a cell of comma-separated values?


  1. In a Google form, I have a Checkboxes-type question with 50 options that increment by 1, from CACHE 1 to CACHE 50 .
    Checkbox Question ( Form )
    Checkbox question

  2. In Google Sheets, each form response combines the selected options in a single column as comma-separated values.
    Form Responses ( Spreadsheet )
    Form responses

    A B
    1 Timestamp Check all that apply:
    2 9/6/2024 15:59:41 CACHE 1, CACHE 3, CACHE 17, CACHE 29
    3 9/6/2024 15:59:45 CACHE 3, CACHE 29
    4 9/6/2024 15:59:49 CACHE 1, CACHE 17, CACHE 49, CACHE 50
    5 9/6/2024 16:01:10 CACHE 29, CACHE 49
  3. I want to apply conditional formatting to individual options within the comma-separated values but can't figure out how.
    Desired Result ( Spreadsheet )
    Desired Result


1 Answer 1


Not without using a script-based solution, however, there may not be the need.

  • Best practices encourage us to avoid doing anything to raw form response data but instead use other sheets to manipulate the data as needed.

  • Conditional formatting rules cannot be applied to parts of a cell, however, the results can be separated into multiple cells and formatting can then be applied.


A couple of approaches that can be adapted to your needs.

1.  Split to Columns with Formatting

=LET(rng,'Form Responses 1'!A2:B,
   BYROW(FILTER(rng, LEN(INDEX(rng,,1))), LAMBDA(row, 
         IF(col=2, SPLIT(val,", ",), val)))),1))))


Split to columns

2.  Character in Options' Column

  rng,'Form Responses 1'!A2:B,
  cols,SEQUENCE(COLUMNS(rng)), optCol,2,
  opts,50, seq,SEQUENCE(1,opts),
  BYROW(FILTER(rng, LEN(INDEX(rng,,1))), LAMBDA(row, 
    { CHOOSECOLS(row, FILTER(cols, cols<optCol)),
      IF(REGEXMATCH(INDEX(row,,optCol), "CACHE "& seq &"\b"), "✔",),
      IFERROR(CHOOSECOLS(row, FILTER(cols, cols>optCol))) }))))


Character in Options' Column

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