I know there are several Twitter archiving services, such as Twapperkeeper. That's the only one that I can find that has public archives of searches. However, it lacks the search I want, namely #palinemails.

Where else could I look to generate an archive of tweets with that or any hashtag more than two weeks old?

  • 1
    Not really an archive but you can just use Google search site:twitter.com inurl:status +palinemails
    – phwd
    Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 19:14
  • That is a really good suggestion. It looks like I need to apply for an API key for the search APIs for Google, Bing, and Yahoo so maybe screen scrapping is more appropriate for an adhoc endeavor. Commented Aug 17, 2011 at 20:28

1 Answer 1


As I said in the comments, you can use Google search site:twitter.com inurl:status +palinemails. There isn't a canonical resource that holds all Twitter archives publicly. Try checking this related question to see if it can assist you in searching for other tweets labelled with #palinemails.

How can I backup all of my tweets?

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