I have a spreadsheet for my budget. Payments are either drawn from my bank or my Amex card and then my Amex card is drawn from my bank as well. So I add up all my monthly total like this:


Where I3:I20 = account bill is paid from and D3:D20 is monthly amount due. So I am not including bills that come from my Amex card in the total since the Amex bill itself covers those.

Next I have a column that has the day of the month 1-10 (when everything gets paid) and it does this:


d|amount due

Where H3:H20 = date bill is paid and E24:E33 = range from 1-10. What I want to do is make this second part do the same check as the first. Something like this:


But I get error: "Parse error"

What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


Assuming you have "BANK" in I3:I20 (as opposed to "AMEX") for bank payments, then I believe you can achieve your goal by reversing your logic (equal to "BANK", rather than not equal to "AMEX")...

Change the formula in F24 to:

=arrayformula(sumif(H3:H20 & I3:I20,E24:E33 & "BANK",D3:D20))

This will then populate cells F24:F33 with the appropriate values. & is the string concatenation operator, so this effectively compares "1BANK" with "1AMEX" (for instance).

  • Works beautifully! I have 2 banks I use (one is for charitable things/tithe) so I just used your solution but added another column for the other bank. Commented Jul 9, 2012 at 20:29

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