At the end of each row filled in, using a custom Google Form, I'm adding three more columns:
- Date of creation
- Unique ID
- QR code (it is a list of computers)
Unique ID and QR code are unique. QR code is generated from the values of all the cells in the form.
How can I create a script trigger to generate the three cells: Date, Unique ID and QR code onsubmitform?
Here is the code for the cell, for how I simply copy the formulas to generate the QR codes:
Date: =Today()
Unique ID: =CONCATENATE("ROTA-",LEFT("0000",4-LEN(ROW(A2))),ROW(A2)-1)
QR code: =if(isblank(B2), "", image(""&B2&", "&"Make:"&C2&", "&"HDD:"&D2&", "&"RAM:"&E2&", "&"Drive:"&F2&", "&"Keyboard:"&G2&", "&"Monitor:"&H2&",
The last one is pretty long and each value needs to be adjusted to the next row values. Basically I need to do something like this but more difficult: reference question