The accepted answer (as of 18 Sep 2013) is incorrect. GitHub's robots.txt does include a rule disallowing /*/*/blob/*
. However, it also includes a rule allowing /*/*/blob/master
. Contents of the master branch will be indexed by Google.
User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /*/*/tree/master
Allow: /*/*/blob/master
Disallow: /ekansa/Open-Context-Data
Disallow: /ekansa/opencontext-*
Disallow: /*/*/pulse
Disallow: /*/*/tree/*
Disallow: /*/*/blob/*
Google follows the rule for the most specific rule, so /*/*/blob/master
will be allowed. See "Order of precedence for group-member records" on their Robots.txt Specifications page.
If you want to keep your content hidden from Google, the best option is to use a private repository, so nobody can see it. Second best would be to use a branch that is not master.