I am trying to migrate a project from BitBucket to GitHub, and would like to import all the issues (preferably keeping their issue numbers intact).
Is there some tool or service which will accomplish this?
This worked for me https://github.com/jeffwidman/bitbucket-issue-migration
python migrate.py -g username -u username -s reponame -d reponame
I just wrote a simple script in Ruby just to do that, you can check it out here: https://github.com/siong1987/issues_importer
file, what, how and when should be run etc.) or introduce some simple wiki for that repo?
bundle install
causes nokogiri (1.6.1) to not get compiled. I see libiconv, libxslt, libxml-2.0 are not found in the mkmf.log file.
I found it critical to be able to repeat the migration without causing any havoc. Therefore, I suggest to use this script, which allows to do subsequent tweaks after running the initial issue migration: