Google Books offers to option to export as XML which can then be saved on my desktop. Is there a public link to this xml file?

I am using the XML continuously and rather have the most recent XML as opposed to the dated one on my desktop (especially in the case where I am at library computers).

I tried scraping the site but it does not work. I also been trying the Google Book Search API and have not been able to get it work properly


This returns a relatively empty xml file (My bookshelf is set public) but a public search


Returns information.

2 Answers 2


Here is the link to the API: https://developers.google.com/books/docs/v1/using#WorkingBookshelves

The URL that you need is:


That will work as long as the shelf is public, otherwise you have to have an API key by putting this GET variable on the end:


After some tinkering and searching the following query will return the results I want.


Where VOLUME_ID is the id of the shelf desired.

0-5 : Default Bookshelves (I had nothing in there.)

1001-onwards : User created bookshelves.

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