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How can I see the speed limit for every road in view on Google Maps (or Bing, Apple, etc.)?

I'm trying to find a safe route to bike to a location, and Google Maps suggests that I take a major highway to do so. So I'm trying to route out a safer trip manually, but knowing the speed limits of ...
johnfernow's user avatar
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Is there any way to export google maps driving directions as a series of gps coordinates?

Is there a good way of taking google maps' driving directions and exporting them as a series of GPS coordinates detailing the route? Any help you can provide is much appreciated!
Mark's user avatar
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Where will I be on my route at a certain time?

Is there a way in Waze (or any other mapping app) to see where I will be on my current route at a certain time? For example, I want to know roughly where I'll be at 7 am at my current rate with ...
Walter Stabosz's user avatar
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6 answers

Searching with Google Maps from desktop then transfering route to phone

I use Google Maps on my phone for transit instructions and to find my way around. The problem is it's hard to work with a small screen and typing in complex addresses is a pain. I noticed sometimes ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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How to convert Google map route into array of coordinates?

Is there any tool or method in order to convert Google Map route, direction into array of lat/lon coordinates? What I am trying to do is to simulate NMEA sentences in order to test my application.
Michael's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a dynamic route in Google Maps?

I am using a program that every 4 minutes sends me (via email) a GPS position in a format of a link to Google Maps, like so: Move to N10.0700+E50.8625 Move to N10.0700+E50.8925 Move to N10.0700+E50....
david's user avatar
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Show path on Google Maps

I have several GPS coordinates and want to show them on the map connected with line. It must looks like this. How can I open page and show this path?
Orsol's user avatar
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