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Questions tagged [export]

Grabbing your links, contacts and other account information and data in preparation for another service or for backing up

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1 answer

How to convert from Google My Maps to Google Maps list?

I have a saved map in Google My Maps that I would like to convert to a Google Maps "list" (such as this one). Google My Maps has a feature that allows exporting a map as a KML or KMZ file, ...
Toldry's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
0 answers

How can one export the chat log from a YouTube live?

I'd like to export the chat log from a YouTube live. How can I do so?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Downloading CSV results in empty (#ref) file. Is it a problem with IMPORTRANGE? [duplicate]

I have a multi sheet workbook in Google Sheets. I need to export a compilation of tables from this workbook to CSV. I therefore have added a new sheet where I use IMPORTRANGE to combine values from ...
d-b's user avatar
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2 votes
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Facebook data download contains duplicate files [closed]

I requested a copy of all of my Facebook data, in HTML format. It gave me five zip files ranging from 2.8GB to 4.7GB to download, totaling 19GB. Those archives contain sub-folders named messages, ...
liakoyras's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I download all my Google content?

I have a school account which is about to be deleted because I graduated. I would still like to keep all the files in drive (including those I own and those shared with me), all the emails, etc. I ...
CPlus's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do I convert published Google Docs to exportable PDFs? [duplicate]

I have a database containing the URLs to several thousand published Google Doc URLs. These URLs look like this and are rendered as an HTML page:​<long-unique-id&...
Erik Mudrak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do the column names in my CSV need to exactly match those in Contacts to ensure all my data is successfully imported?

I was looking at the help document for importing comma separated values CSV into Google Contacts and it didn't specify how to organize the columns. I data in Google Sheets that was provided to me as a ...
Thufir's user avatar
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0 answers

How to get just sent mail from Google Takeout archive of email?

User found out that Google Takeout mixes Inbox and Sent mail into one .mbox file. So user exported only sent mail. However, the .mbox contains also replies to some sent mail. How can user export just ...
user12363's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

how do I export my saved places in google maps?

I've been using Google Maps to save the places in town that I have to deliver newspapers to. I want to export that list of saved places to another application via a GPX file. How do I do that? can i ...
J Erry's user avatar
  • 49
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0 answers

Is there a way to export Travel Plans and other lists from Google Maps (including notes)?

I have a number of items added to Travel Plans list of Google Maps (you can select it in the drop-down when you click Save button in the card), and now I would like to export them in a map exchange ...
greatvovan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I export a Microsoft Office 365 Word online document to PDF without comments? [closed]

I have a Word document in Microsoft Office 365 Word Online. The document contains some comments. How can I export it to PDF without comments?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How do I export indentation to a txt file from google docs?

I want to convert a google docs document to a text file preserving indentation. When I copy and paste, or export indentation seems to be lost. Work around I'm looking into exporting to html and then ...
Att Righ's user avatar
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1 answer

Scraping Directory contents from Google

Does anyone know of a good way to scrape the information from the Directory in Google Contacts? I saw this How to download all directory contacts?. I tried to run it by following the steps layed out, ...
Gupa Nupa's user avatar
1 vote
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Exporting Google Sheet to PDF

I'm trying to export the current active Google Sheet to a PDF. The below nearly does what I want but I would like a few changes. Changes. Save the PDF in the same folder as the main spreadsheet ...
Aaron Prudence's user avatar
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How to export my entire Google Scholar Library in BibTex

I want to export my entire Google Scholar Library into a BibTex in one click or by some other clever ways which I don't know about. At present, I can only export at max 10 articles in one go and I ...
noisyoscillator's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to export data from Google Chat? [duplicate]

At [1] Google promises that data can be exported from Google Chat. However: At Google Takeout page [2] in Select data to include there is no Chat product. In the exported .zip archive there is no ...
pmor's user avatar
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Which formats can Google Docs import/restore?

I want to export/download files FROM Google Docs in a format that will allow me to import/upload them to Google Docs retaining all possible formatting. While Google Docs offers several formats to ...
rwallace's user avatar
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1 answer

Get shareable URLs of all YouTube Music playlists automatically

I have a lot of playlists in YouTube Music (over 50). Each of them has a URL so I can share it with people, but if I want to share all of the URLs with someone it's a pain to manually copy and paste ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Print Playlist from YouTube Music

I want to print a list of songs (with artist, album, and duration) from my YouTube Music account. There is no easy way to do this from the app. Doing print-screens as I page through a long list of ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
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1 answer

Not all contacts imported from Hotmail to Google Contacts [closed]

Helping a friend move from Hotmail to Gmail. First thing on the order of business is importing the contacts. After exporting the contacts from as contacts.csv and importing them on ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Is it possible to export reading time data in Perusall?

I am using Perusall to organize a university course. I want to export each student's average reading time in csv or other table format. Is it possible to do that? If yes, how? I can download a table ...
reflex0810's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I export my data from YouTube?

Is there any way in 2019-20 to export all of my data (including comments) from YouTube?
pmor's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to archive Yahoo Group? [closed]

I'm in the same boat as every other YahooGroups owner, however probably most groups have been around 1999, when they were Yahoo Clubs. We have STACKS of photos. We also have links, files and polls, ...
Leona's user avatar
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Is it possible to export GIFI from QuickBooks Online?

I use QuickBooks Online for my business transactions. Now I need to do corporation tax return and I want to use UFileT2 for this. So I need to import data to Ufile. For import I need to have GIFI ...
Alexan's user avatar
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5 votes
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Downloading entire archive of past messages of a Yahoo Group

I am an owner of a now-defunct Yahoo Group. Apparently, it's been announced that Yahoo Groups is to remove all content December 14 2019 and I would like to save the archive of messages to that group....
einpoklum's user avatar
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Migrating Wunderlist to Trello

Due to the imminent retirement of the task management application Wunderlist after being acquired by Microsoft, I recently changed to Trello. Now I was wondering if anyone made any experiences about ...
Sharky Bamboozle's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

How can I export a single event as an ICS file from Google Calender? [closed]

How can I export a single event as an ICS file from Google Calendar?
Real Dreams's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to export and import my block list in the 2019 "New Twitter" UI?

Twitter recently rolled out a redesign of their desktop website interface, and the ability to export and import my block list seems to have been removed. Exporting/importing my block list was useful ...
5260452's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to export members from a Google Group?

How do I export addresses of members of a Google Groups group that I am a member of? The manager did not limit the possibility of viewing the list of members, And I can see the list at: https://...
SIM's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Download 1 sheet from Google Sheets

I've got a spreadsheet (workbook) in Google Drive Sheets that has multiple sheets (tabs/worksheets). I want to export just one worksheet from the workbook as an XLS file. Is this possible? I ...
sam's user avatar
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Export All emails + Attachments in a Gmail (G-Suite) account to a folder structure

I Have 6 G-Suite email accounts I need to remove however some of my staff still requires the contents of those Gmail accounts as they span 3-6 years and have a lot of historical data. I am looking ...
Ryan Ternier's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How export a spreadsheet as XML?

How can I export a simple spreadsheet, consisting of a single column of data, as XML? Exporting as CSV is leading to other problems, so turning to XML as a workaround.
Thufir's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to export Telegram's member list?

I'd like to export a list of current members of the channel or group. Is it possible through the UI, alternative client (such as Bettergram), Telegram API or Bots API? I've seen this feature on some ...
kenorb's user avatar
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Export / sync shared ’Public’ Facebook events from our Facebook Page with external calendar

We set up a Google calendar for our community years ago and it has proved to be a useful resource for many, especially those who do not use Facebook for whatever reason. However over the past few ...
ivy's user avatar
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5 votes
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Liberate all data from Google+

Now that the final demise of Google+ is imminent, how can I get all of my data out of there? I know I have stuff in there I didn't post anywhere else. Will that also get the stuff I posted to various ...
ale's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I copy all events from one calendar to another?

Normally if you want to copy all Google Calendar events from one calendar to another, you'd export from one and import into the other. However, if the calendar isn't your own, the export feature isn't ...
glenviewjeff's user avatar
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1 answer

Export data from 1 Foursquare account and import it to another one

I see that there's "Export data" option (already requested it). However, is there a way to import it into a new Foursquare account?
Ivanka Todorova's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to export google maps driving directions as a series of gps coordinates?

Is there a good way of taking google maps' driving directions and exporting them as a series of GPS coordinates detailing the route? Any help you can provide is much appreciated!
Mark's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to export a Linkedin profile?

Is it possible to perform a full export of a complete Linkedin profile? I want to make several changes, and I'd like to have a "backup" of sorts, just for the sake of keep my data and not lose it. I ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

export kindle purchase history report?

How do I get a report of Kindle purchases? The context is that I've "purchased" a number of free books from Amazon for an Amazon Kindle e-reader. Scrolling through most show zero dollar cost. I ...
Thufir's user avatar
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When using Gmail's "copy and transfer", do the data in the original account remain untouched or does it get deleted?

I'm using Google's "Control Your Content" tool under "My Account" and I'd like to "transfer your content," however, what I want to do is copy all data from one account to another without impacting the ...
JulianJohannesen's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I export table data from a Cognito Form

I recently created a Cognito form that included a table field. When I view and export the entries the table data within individual entries is not included in the output. How do I ensure the table data ...
Michael Grant's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

How to export email in Tutanota?

According to Tutanota's Reddit account, exporting individual email messages is possible.
user169545's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Exporting Telegram chat histories with emojis and images

I would like to export my chat histories from Telegram. Their support wiki article describes how to do it by printing from loaded in Google Chrome. However, this is undesirable for ...
Cai's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is there a way to rearrange columns of repeating sections in the exported CSV file?

I am using Cognito Forms to gather information about my worker's work progress for client billing purposes. They submit one form a day, but each work assignment gets filled out in a repeating section. ...
Timo's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I export Wikipedia article collections to epub?

I used to do that a year or two ago and it was pretty straightforward back than (there was «Export to epub» link or something like this on the left pane of a Wikipedia page). Not any more! Currently, ...
S. N.'s user avatar
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Exporting and Importing various Amazon lists; Shopping Lists, Wish lists, Idea Lists, Default List?

This question circa 2011: How to export/download my Amazon wishlist? Now, we have multiple lists in addition to the default wish list, that we make and change various times. At times we wish to ...
Alex S's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert exported Trello JSON to Pivotal Tracker CSV?

I am exporting a board from Trello, to import it into Pivotal Tracker. In order to get the full detail out of Trello, it's necessary to export as JSON. In order to import that detail into Pivotal ...
Nick Charney Kaye's user avatar
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Extracting/Exporting contacts in GoogleApps for Education directory

I don't see a way to export the contacts in Google Apps four Education directory via Google's older/newer layout of If there is no such option, Is there any way to extract all ...
JennySheryl's user avatar
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Move account and email away from Google apps, but still retain all other Google services, e.g., Drive, Analytics

I've got an email and user account (lets call it [email protected]) setup inside of a Google Apps account. I have several domains and lots of users inside of this Google Apps account. All the other ...
sam's user avatar
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