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Questions tagged [youtube-monetization]

Use this tag for questions about using the monetization reports of Youtube channels. Don't use it for question about how to increase earnings.

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2 votes
1 answer

Why watch time different in Youtube Analytics and Monetization page?

Recently my Youtube channel crossed 4k hour watch time in the last 365 days. I have 1301 subscribers and 4.4k hour watch time. Please see the attached image. So, as per Youtube rules I can apply for ...
LFS's user avatar
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Knowing whether a copyright infringement will demonetise or block on youtube

I run a weekly pub quiz for a choir I'm in. We run it via youtube and google forms to make life easier for everybody but obviously media rounds cause a copyright problem. Currently my strategy is to ...
Freduardo Corzo's user avatar
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1 answer

YouTube personal account as channel

I have a Gmail account. When I am already signed into Gmail account, YouTube shows me that I am signed in. So, Is this account considered as a channel by YouTube definitions? If yes, this channel ...
melvin's user avatar
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1 answer

Monetization disabled in my YouTube channel

I have created a new channel on YouTube called Rancho's YouTube Channel last week. I have uploaded 3 videos that after that my monetization is disabled. How to fix this? I have attached the ...
Salman Dalal's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did my earnings report change after two month?

As you can see, there's a big difference between the two reports. In the month of Nov, the report showed the right amount but now the report is changed! What's going on? First report: Second report:
user2824371's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does it increase the amount of ads if ads were already turned on?

I just recently noticed the YouTube settings option for "Allow advertisements to be displayed alongside my videos" and it looks like the default is "enabled". This is pretty sneaky on Google's part, ...
starmandeluxe's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Monetization turned on, but no revenue ever shown

About 6 months ago I turned on monetization for some of my videos. It was just a test since my videos don't get many views, but together they got about 5k+ views since then, so I found it strange that ...
Genadinik's user avatar
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