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For questions about Google's web application to create and edit spreadsheets on a web browser or app. Don't use it for the Google Drive Excel files editor. Please consider adding data as markdown table to your question; this will greatly increase the chance that you get a satisfactory answer.

3 votes

How to select range into a cell based on drop down selection

Select all cells of the Ingredients column from the Recipes sheet using the FILTER() function by the condition "the Meal column is exactly equal to the selected value in cell C4". Combine the filterin …
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
3 votes

How can I jump to a cell reference

For this your example, everything is simple: F2 to enter cell editing, Shift+Home to select the entire formula, Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard. Now Ctrl+J to go into editing the Name Box, Ctrl+V a …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to do a more concise IF x = 1 OR x = 2 OR x = 3 in Google Sheets?

Since the result of MOD(ROW(),7) can have 2 inappropriate values (0 and 1) and 5 suitable values (2..6), it makes sense to check the condition for a shorter sequence: MOD(ROW(),7)>1 In this case, ther …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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2 votes

Combine different sheets with importrange for dynamic data from google forms

Welcome! Perhaps it is worth considering the possibility to execute a QUERY() for each IMPORTRANGE() separately and combine the results of these queries into a single array? ={QUERY( IMPORTRANGE("s …
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
2 votes

Creating a reset button

Welcome! There are several easy ways to get this job done. One of them is macro (see Automate tasks in Google Sheets). Step by step: Start macro recording, make sure "Use absolute references" is sele …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there such a formula as IF/AND/OR in Google Sheets?

Indeed, as already shown, two nested IF() functions solve your problem (See the Nested_Outcome formula in the Examples section) I want to show another way of calculating for combined conditions, witho …
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
2 votes

How do I activate and use "drag cell's corner" Google Sheets feature from keyboard?

Yes, you can select the desired range using only the keyboard - use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J, enter the desired range and press Enter. Here is a sequence of steps that simulates drag-by-corner fr …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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2 votes

Trying to round a number to the nearest millions

It is enough to correctly specify the places parameter in the ROUND(value, [places]) function. In this case, all the patterns you provided contain eight zeros, so the places parameter should be -8: =R …
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
2 votes

Google Sheets - Formula to remove data to the left of `:`

The easiest way is to use the REGEXEXTRACT() function: =REGEXEXTRACT(A1;"[^:]*") The meaning of the formula is simple - take all the left symbols, except for the colon. To get the right part of the st …
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
1 vote

Google sheets countif same date

You need COUNTIFS() instead COUNTIF() =COUNTIFS(A2:A,">="&B2,A2:A,"<"&(B2+1))
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
1 vote

Finding if a value exists in a cell containing comma separated text

SPLIT() combined with MATCH() will do the trick: =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(<tested value>,SPLIT(<cell for testing>, ", " , 1,1),0)),FALSE(),TRUE())
JohnSUN's user avatar
  • 896
1 vote

Converting columns into rows with different values

A result similar to the expected can be obtained using the following formula: ={{"First Name","Last Name","Street Address","City","State","Zip", "Mail Street Address","Mail City","Mail State","Mai …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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1 vote

=RANK, but only show top 5 or top 10

Welcome! Let's assume that your original list starts at cell A1 and contains two columns labeled Name and Rank. It is by the values from the second column that five (ten) best results should be select …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Sheets Filter Lines with no Empty Colums - AT LEASTS ONE conlum filled

Welcome! It's a pity that you didn't heed David Tan's advice and didn't give a link to your table - it's really completely unclear from the screenshot where your data starts on the sheet and how far i …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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1 vote

Retrieving the most recent game record in google sheets

Welcome! Too bad you didn't provide a link to the sample test data - it took a long time to create. I assumed that your table starts with column A and, accordingly, the "Post-Game ELO" columns are in …
JohnSUN's user avatar
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