Is there a way to rank all my Facebook posts (status updates, photos, links, etc.) by number of likes? How about a way to rank my friends by average number of likes on each friend's posts?

I found mention of TopStats, which looked promising, but appears not to work anymore (redirects to the Facebook home page).

5 Answers 5


Login to Archivedbook using Facebook. Select tab Statuses and from the drop down menu select Most Liked. enter image description here

  • 7
    "Unfortunately, Archivedbook will definitely stop working on April 30, 2015. Read here why."
    – o0'.
    Commented Mar 3, 2015 at 9:25

As all of those apps no longer work here is my new Facebook app: "Facebook Analytics"

It will give you all those answers and more in a very user friendly way. It also works for pages. Here is the description from the page:

A free tool for analysing your Facebook data. Use Analytics to know:

  • The total number of likes, comments and shares

  • Who comments and likes the most

  • Which users get the most likes and comments

  • Who the most influential users are

  • Which content generates the most interest

  • Who are the most influential users outside of your social circle

Top Likers and Top Commenters

Top posts


Login to Wolframalpha.com

generate a detailed report about your social network, including the particular query you are interested in and all the other useful data.

great insights about your activity on the social network.



http://truefbfriends.com will give you your most liked facebook pics. It is photos specific and not posts specific


None of the above work, including the "Facebook Analytics," which, for me, at least, works ONLY with my pages, but, I didn't care about that, so I didn't run it. My guess is that Facebook decided not to allow third-party apps to gain so much access to users' data for, hopefully, obvious reasons. You'd think they'd have realized that a lot of people want to know which of their posts got the most "likes" (positive or negative), and come up with a way to do it, themselves via the "Activity Log."

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