I am trying to search through some files stored in a specific folder on Google Drive using Google Scripts. This is for creating a "Deployment Folder" for my school for the upcoming academic session.
Code below:
function start() {
function SearchFiles(query) {
//put the source content folder ID and destination Drive folder ID here
var files = DriveApp.getFolderById(srcContentFolderID).searchFiles('(title contains "' + query + '")');
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file = files.next();
var fileName = file.getName();
var parents = file.getParents();
while (parents.hasNext()) {
var parent = parents.next();
if(parent.getId() == srcContentFolderID){
//found the correct source of the file. Log it.
Logger.log("Parent name: " + parent.getName() + " File name:" + fileName);
Logger.log("NOT FOUND: " + parent.getName() + " File name:" + fileName);
} catch(e){
Logger.log("ERROR: "+e.Message);
I am using Apps Script runtime powered by Chrome V8.
I have the following question:
DriveApp.getFolderById(srcContentFolderID).searchFiles('(title contains "' + query + '")')
doesn't work. I get the following exception:
Exception: Invalid argument: q at SearchFiles at Array.forEach GS_INTERNAL_top_function_call.gs
Only searching using DriveApp.searchFiles('(title contains "' + query + '")')
does work, but it gives a lot of results.
I am trying to do this for hundreds of files, so I risk timing out if I have to sift through multiple search results for every query.
I have looked through StackExchange for quite some time to figure out why an exception is generated, to no avail. Appreciate any help on this!
Note: I have seen the following links: